Available Lexus Enform connects you and your vehicle like never before. It's the convenience of live, 24-hour navigation assistance. It's the peace of mind of knowing emergency services can be requested at the press of a button or even automatically. And, for owners of 2013 and newer Lexus models, it's the efficiency and ease of using your favorite mobile applications, on the fly.
Imagine wanting to make dinner reservations and get movie tickets all from your new Lexus; or listening to your favorite hometown radio station, or wanting to get reviews on the hot spot in town, and never leaving your car.
Bing™Search a continuously updated database of more than 16 million points of interest,get directions and call with the touch of a button. | |
iHeartRadioGet live access to more than 800 AM and FM radio stations across the country andcreate a playlist from a catalog of more than 11 million songs. | |
Movie Tickets.comFind movies, check local start times, purchase tickets and get directions without everleaving your Lexus. | |
OpenTable®Search restaurants by cuisine, real-time availability and price range; read dinerratings and reviews; and make reservations. | |
Pandora®Using the names of artists or songs you love, create and listen to personalizedmusic stations or playlists. | |
Yelp®Looking for a local place to eat, shop, drink, relax or play? Read reviews fromlocals who know best, and get directions sent to your Navigation System. | |
Facebook PlacesCheck-in and notify your Facebook friends of your location the moment you arrive. |
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