Monday, October 17, 2016

Anniversary Spotlight - Dan Warthesen

 Village Automotive Group is celebrating Dan Warthesen’s 10th year of service with Lexus of Maplewood.

During his tenure, he has had nine different positions due to management’s support in allowing him to reach his professional and personal goals. Dan grew up in the Metro area and enjoys connecting with people from surrounding communities.  He likes being able to serve people he knows, like his former school teachers.

Most of Dan’s training has revolved around customer service. He has completed his Lexus Master certification and has also attended leadership training courses. Dan comments “I appreciate being able to work alongside role models each day.” Dan has been able to grow continually by assuming different roles and taking on more responsibilities. One of Dan’s goals as a manager is to grow the experiences of those around him by sharing tips on what he has learned in his various positions at the dealership. Dan sees Village’s greatest strength as, “Being able to able deliver top notch service to our guests, which is a major perk of the job.”

Inside Lexus of Maplewood, Dan has found a fast-paced environment. The dealership leads the industry in snow removal day through team work that has created an efficient and refined process. He also enjoys the many events Lexus of Maplewood plans such as helping at Second Harvest Heartland, attending the Timberwolves Lexus Courtside Club, going to the Bearly Open event in White Bear Lake and participating in the New Owner Welcome Clinics and New Vehicle Launch parties. The best community event Dan has been a part of is the Opus and Olives Event where he enjoyed the evening because, “It is all about the St. Paul Public Library and raising money for a good cause. The attendees were community members, publishers, writers, and bestselling authors.” His favorite team events include attending Twins games with the store employees which brings everyone together and gives everyone time to have fun and socialize.

Village Automotive Group thanks Dan for his years of service and looks forward to his future with us.